Monday, 31 January 2011


Over the past 48 hours plus, BBC News and almost every rolling news channel and station in the world that I know of, has been reporting about the situation in Egypt. This is important news, however on late Sunday 31st, I noticed that the banner ‘Breaking News’ had been on the BBC’s rolling news channel for around 48 hours. Is an event that has been going on for two days is it still ‘Breaking News’? Or, rather isn’t simply, ‘News’?

I guess broadcasters use the term to underline the importance of the situation, and the problems in Egypt, when resolved, will change the political landscape of the world. It is important. However, so are many other things that happen in the world that are not treated as ‘Breaking News’. Not every statement by a President or Prime Minister are reported, not all deaths of important people are treated the same way. Protests in Manchester and London against Cuts and Fees were never treated that way, and there are some countries that are largely, though not entirely ignored. Japan would be a case in point. Yes there often is a correspondent in Tokyo, but there is a Volcano erupting as I type this that only makes it on to websites and Twitter, not the News channel.

Do not mistake me, I love Twitter, but what it lacks, but journalism can provide, is sensitive discrimination. I would not expect this blog post to make the news, I would expect Protests in Britain to do so. The weather do not change half-hourly – even when there is snow. I would also expect events around the world to be covered more widely, and I am still waiting.

Still, I am off to tweet this!

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